Act 24 - Guybrush finds the Golden Man.Get a diving certificateThe tourist with the mug hinted that the Golden Man was the prize at the diving contest. You meet the champion Marco Pollo. Talk to him.
Go and talk to the judges. You'll be examined but you get your certificate.
Get better marks from the judgesTalk to the judges and try to learn what to do to get the highest marks, The Hippie Judge tells you that there are four moves and every dive shall contain three of them. Every move corresponds to an arrow-key. Keelhaul - Lift up your nose. He also tells you to do exactly the same three moves as Marco did. The old judge in the middle tells you not to splash. You must be more aerodynamic, more like a swordfish. The judge to the left is bought by Ozzie. But there is something with him that reminds you of something. Look at the pamphlet again. The man at the picture is the judge with his blonde wife. Win the Golden Man Go down to Marco. He uses a special sort of baby seal oil before he dives. Get the leftovers from the bagel and use it with the oil. It attracts the seagulls.
Has he for example chosen : Keelhaul, Spinning Swordsman and Rum Barrel press up, right, down. Now your dive ought to get the highest marks from all the judges. Next time you begin the diving. Choose which three moves you like and press the corresponding arrows.
Marco gets angry and starts yelling. Now you have all three parts to the talisman.
When you have all three parts you automatically return to Melée Island and the Mansion.
The story is written by MegaZina and based on the game Escape from Monkey Island from LukasArts Entertainment
The pictures are taken from the game. The homesite is private and has no connection with the named company |